Art prints of famous drummers and drums

Not So Modern Drummer now offers art for drummers on posters, framed or unframed prints on several choices of papers and canvases,  t shirts, coffee mugs, and other items. We are selling photos and graphic art from the magazine and website; back issue magazine covers, photos of famous drummers, and photos of vintage and custom drums. We are also selling paintings and other renderings of drummers and drums by artists.

We use FineArtAmerica to sell, print, frame, and ship our art for drummers. The link to our gallery at that site is  Our first collection is that of Michael DeGruchy Haslam, a Canadian artist who has painted some very cool caricature portraits of famous jazz drummers. He is painting all the time so check back often to see what's new. Other images will be available very soon. In the slide show below are his current paintings available to buy: Philly Joe Jones, Baby Dodds, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Kenny Klook Clarke, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Big Sid Catlett, Papa Jo Jones, Miles Davis/Sonny Rollins.

We also plan on offering high resolution downloads and giclees in the near future. If you have any questions about ordering please contact George Lawrence