From Editor George Lawrence

late breaking news - I just heard today that Dom Famularo passed away on 9/27/23. He was my good friend, and a good friend to drummers around the world. Read about Dom’s vast achievements on Wikipedia . I will write an article about Dom in the next issue.

I have been publishing some of my drumming experiences, musings, advice and lessons in my “Life’s Little Drumming Lessons” column, which will be included in my book of the same name. This month I am starting to publish the rough draft pages of the instruction material from that book. I will make each chapter a downloadable PDF soon. The working title of this first Chapter is “Sticking Theory - The Missing Rudiments”. It’s about filling in the blanks and re-arranging the traditional rudiment list to make rudiments easier to understand for drum set students and drummers in general. This first three pages include an etude called “The Missing Rolls” and a short mystery piece - “ The Case of the Missing Three Stroke Roll”. Pardon my handwritten and un-edited drafts written with a double tip Sharpie and a lot of white out. I welcome your comments about this material.